Organize Amazing Baby Shower Party with these Tips

23 Apr 2021
Organize Amazing Baby Shower Party with these Tips

Baby showers have their origin in ancient time. Like other things, the way and manner in which they are planned and celebrated have changed over time. 

Organizing a babyshower without the proper knowledge and information can quickly turn into a nightmare and a daunting experience. With the appropriate knowledge, even the first timer can run a successful baby shower with more ease.

If you remember and follow the suggestions listed above, you have a good chance of running a successful and memorable baby shower. Here are somethings that you should bear in mind when planning a baby shower.

1. Know the culture of the would be parents.
Because babyshowers are steeped in tradition and customs, it is important to have a good idea of what is culturally acceptable by the would be parents and what is not. People do not necessarily change their culture because they live in modern times. Knowing the cultural limitations, makes the celebration more memorable and worthwile.

2. Know the needs of the parents to be
It is pointless giving gifts that recepients cannot use. Would be parents need things for the new baby and are probably stretched to their limits. It would be only worth their while if the gifts they get help to alleviate this burden.

3. Know the best time to schedule your shower
As the hostess, it behooves you to know when to schedule the babyshower for maximum benefit and impact. Do not schedule your shower too early or too late. Expecting couples need all the financial help they can get. Scheduling a shower too late may mean that the couple had already bought all the things they need for the baby.

4. Know the physical needs of the expecting mother
Pregnancy puts enormous physical challenges and demand on the expecting mother, especially if it is their first pregnancy. It is a good idea to locate the shower closer to home to avoid putting additional strain on an already over challenged mother to be.

5. Know who is on your guest list
The success and failure of a babyshower to a certain extent depends on the attendace. How responsive is your list. It is good to consult the parents to be about the guests to be invited.

6. Know your refreshment plan
Preparing for and feeding even the smallest group of poeple can quickly turn into a nightmare if no adequate plans are made for that. Set up a plan about what to serve and how to serve it and work your plan. Make room for emergencies that may arise.

7. Know your plan for entertainment
What is your plan for entertainment? Do you have games that your guests can play? Board games and puzzles make for easy and entertaining games that your guests can play. Dumbcharades is most fun game to play in such occasions.