Free Online Pregnancy Due Date Calculator: Know the Date Of Your Baby's Arrival

What Exactly is the Pregnancy Due Date?

The pregnancy due date is the projected date of delivery considered and measured by two approaches: one using the last menstrual period and another utilizing the conception date.

So, how to calculate pregnancy due date?

LMP Approach: Utilizing LMP methodology, you can calculate the due date by the addition of 40 weeks to the foremost day of your last menstrual period. i.e. (Due Date = LMP* + 280 days)

Here LMP* references the first day of the last menstrual period.

Conception Date Approach: This methodology is based on the date you conceive a child, for which women require to monitor their ovulation date and evaluate the conception date. Leveraging this approach, the due date is 38 weeks right from the date of conception. It is tough to monitor conception dates and this is why the LMP approach could be more appropriate to calculate the projected due date. The definite delivery date may be the same or unlike because of many other influences interrelated to pregnancy.

Conception Date Calculator

How Does a Free Pregnancy Due Date Calculator Compute Your Due Date?

Our pregnancy due date calculator online tool works with a precise logic and determines your baby's birth date. It gives an estimated date assisting you to be ready for the big day.

You can estimate the due date of your baby’ birth by entering the first day of your last menstrual period in the free online pregnancy due date calculator.

You also need to input the average length of your cycle to get the downloadable version. The due date is considered by an addition of 280 days, which means 40 weeks to the foremost day of your last period (if it is an average 28-day cycle).

The menstrual period and ovulation are the primary two weeks of pregnancy. If you are giving birth to your baby right on the suggested due date, your baby will be 38 weeks old and not 40 weeks. This methodology is called Dr. Nagele's rule.

How Do You Project Baby Due Date Leveraging Conception Date Calculator?

If you are monitoring your ovulation and know the fertilization date, you can project the due date based on the conception date. In this scenario, the projected due date will be 38 weeks (266 days) from the conception date. Only some females can precisely monitor the ovulation days and can project when they have conceived.

However, the calculations can be erroneous as you may not conceive right on the day of the intercourse. Here, the sperm can live till 5 days, and the ovum for up to 24 hours after being out. So, there is merely a six-day fertile window to get pregnant.

In scenarios of in-vitro fertilization, the conception date can be more accurate.

What Exactly Is The Conception Date?

Conception procedure happens after ovulation, when the sperm directly meets the egg. For example, if you had intercourse on the 5th day of the month, and you did not ovulate till the 8th of that month, the conception would happen on or merely after the 8th day.

If you have a 28-day cycle, conception will happen amid 11 and 21 days after the foremost day of your LMP. As most of us do not know the conception date, it is taken as an approximation based on the LMP approach.

What Is An Estimated Due Date (EDD)?

An estimated due date (EDD) is the finest guess for an impulsive onset of labor. Your due date is projected by adding 280 days (i.e., 9 months and 7 days) to the foremost day of your LMP.

How To Know By How Much Time I Am Pregnant?

There is no precise approach to determine when you have ovulated and conceived. Consequently, healthcare professionals determine the date of the pregnancy in view of the last menstrual period.

To know your pregnancy weeks with this approach, you must recollect the first day of your last period. This is calculated as day one of pregnancy. So, if you go through a 28-day menstrual cycle, and identify you had your periods on the likely date, then you are well thought-out 4 weeks pregnant.

Some of the women wish to calculate their pregnancy weeks from the ovulation day. This would be the projected conception date, which is around 2 weeks after the foremost day of your LMP. In this scenario, you are known to be 2 weeks pregnant, and you are expected to have your periods.

Dissection of Pregnancy Trimesters:

Trimester Duration
1st Trimester LMP till end of week 12
2nd Trimester Week 13 till end of week 26
3rd Trimester Week 27 till the child birth

Some Key Evidences About R for Rabbit Pregnancy Due Date Calculator in India

  • Your due date is assessed to last 40 weeks post the initial day of your last period.
  • Your menstrual cycle is acknowledged to be 28 days with ovulation taking place on the 14th day.
  • The printable pregnancy calendar due date calculator adds 40 weeks (280 days) to the initial day of your LMP.

Disclaimer: While our tool offers a tentative due date and other significant insights, it cannot substitute a healthcare consultation. Visit a physician to confirm your EDD based on your whole medicinal history.

Our calculations are merely for guidance. We at R for Rabbit are not accountable for any connected challenges, interrelated problems, or involved damages with the above results.

First Trimester Second Trimester Third Trimester
Week 1:
Week 13:
Week 28:
Week 2:
Week 14:
Week 29:
Week 3:
Week 15:
Week 30:
Week 4:
Week 16:
Week 31:
Week 5:
Week 17:
Week 32:
Week 6:
Week 18:
Week 33:
Week 7:
Week 19:
Week 34:
Week 8:
Week 20:
Week 35:
Week 9:
Week 21:
Week 36:
Week 10:
Week 22:
Week 37:
Week 11:
Week 23:
Week 38:
Week 12:
Week 24:
Week 39:
  Week 25:
Week 40:
  Week 26:
Week 41:
  Week 27:
Week 42:

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