How to have a Safe & Happy Diwali with your Baby

How to have a Safe & Happy Diwali with your Baby

01 Nov 2022

Diwali is one of the biggest festivals celebrated in India. As the night of Diwali comes closer, houses are decorated with lamps and lights, sweets and snacks are prepared well in advance and plans are all set to make the festive season memorable. If you have just been blessed with a baby or your baby just got a year old, then you might have to take special care for them.

So many new faces, guests, new voices and sounds, lights twinkling everywhere; Diwali for your baby can be a new experience altogether. In this festive moment, your baby’s safety is one most important thing to be kept in mind. Here are a few tips to help you make your baby’s Diwali safe and memorable.

Continue to follow the routine: If this is your baby’s first Diwali, maintain his/her routine. You might have to attend family events on Diwali day, while planning for the same, make sure your baby is fed and made to rest at it’s routine time, otherwise your baby might get cranky.

Keep your baby closer to familiar faces: Many guests will be coming at your place to share festivities. Try keeping your baby near familiar faces. Too many new faces may overstimulate your baby and might scare or upset him/her.

Dress your baby in comfortable clothes that fit well: Avoid long and loose dresses. Avoid nylon and synthetic fabrics.

Watch what your baby eats: Diwali brings with it gifts and sweets. On this festive occasion nuts and dry fruits are common gifts you might receive. Make sure to store them beyond the reach of your children, because small nuts are hazardous if swallowed by your baby. Feed your baby with baby food according to his/her age at routine time.

Sweets and snacks: It is a good practise to make sweets and snacks at home during big festivities. Yet if you are buying these from outside, make sure to buy from known and reputed shops and that they are free from adulteration

Lightings: Keeping the lightings and diyas out of the reach of your toddler. Avoid keeping diyas on the passageways or near curtains.

Firecrackers: Store firecrackers away from kids. If your child is old enough to burn firecrackers, always supervise your child. Make sure he/she wears protective shoes and lights the cracker from a safe distance. Keep a bucket of water ready and accessible in case of unwanted accidents. Put burnt firecrackers in the bucket of water to avoid unwanted effects of gunpowder remains.

New born babies must be kept in close room so as to protect it from smoke, dust, pollution and loud noises from the firecrackers.

Keep a first aid kit handy in order to attain any injury or minor burns quickly.

Have a Happy and Safe Diwali.