Power Nutrients for Baby’s Crucial First 2 Years for Healthy Growth

Mommies of infants and toddlers have so many thoughts running down their minds when they plan their child’s diet and emphasize nutrition for child development. However, most moms make the mistake of focusing on shortlisting the food items, neglecting the importance of nutrients.
You may find this statement awkward, but very few mothers are aware of the nutrients a particular food item is rich in, which somehow affects the child’s overall growth and development in the early days.
It is time to stop going by the diet fads and focus on providing healthy nutrition for toddlers. Your baby will grow rapidly in the first three years; hence, this is when his body and brain demand maximum energy and food.
If you are inquisitive now and want to know the top nutrients your baby should be fed at 0-2 years of age, read this blog post and identify all the sources, veggies and fruits that would help boost the development in this crucial phase.
Power Nutrients for Baby’s Crucial First 2 Years for Healthy Growth
You may have heard the term balanced diet very often, but do you know that every child is different, and so their body and brain nutrition requirements also vary widely. Some babies are even allergic to the most common food items, which makes you responsible for being vigilant and keeping an eye on your child’s physical and mental growth to avoid any issues later.
Expert nutritionist Rahi Mishra also emphasizes the importance of feeding nutrient-rich foods to your child in the first two years so that the baby gets a strong physical and mental foundation. Here are some power nutrients and their sources that you must include in the diet as a dotting mommy. However, we would still recommend performing an allergy test and feeding small amounts of new food to ensure the body and brain does not react to it.
1. Iron
Although the most commonly named nutrient that people believe is important for humans is protein, they tend to miss iron on the list.
This nutrient forms haemoglobin that supplies oxygen through blood cells and boosts your child’s immune system.
If proper nutrition for toddlers is your motive, iron-rich foods must be on your baby’s diet plan.
This nutrient supports healthy cell growth, which helps develop motor skills in the first two years of development.
The Sources:
Spinach is the best source of iron, along with raisins, lentils, dates, and sabja seeds.
If your baby is six months old and you are introducing new foods, potato and spinach mash is one of the safest and most nutrition-filled recipes you should try.
You can also make sweet pumpkin parathas for kids above one year old and let them enjoy the taste while the crucial nutrients reach their little tummies.
2. Zinc
Another less popular nutrient amongst mommies who desire healthy nutrition for toddlers is zinc.
This nutrient supports cell division in the child’s body, which helps accelerate growth in the initial years.
Mothers who want to boost their inner body strength and processes should focus on feeding zinc-rich foods since it helps strengthen the digestive system, which is still developing.
Zinc also supports the appropriate absorption of other nutrients; hence, you should never neglect it.
The Sources:
Almonds, walnuts, and beans are rich sources of zinc. Paneer (cottage cheese) is another food rich in nutrients; however, very few people know about it since paneer is mainly related to as a protein source.
You can serve chickpea and avocado mash as first foods for your infant, and as he grows, introduce pan-fried tofu cubes with mild spices to make a yummy recipe your child will love eating.
3. Copper
When you talk about the best nutrition for child growth, copper should be on your nutrient list as it helps the body produce the very important collagen, directly impacting tissue growth and health.
Children with copper deficiency in their bodies have poor skin and tissue; hence, you should include it in the diet without failure.
Copper also has a role in heart function and nerve conduction, which indicates that it impacts the overall growth and development of your child.
Copper supports iron absorption in the body, so you should try including foods that would help attain appropriate copper levels in the body.
The Sources:
Potatoes and mushrooms are known to be copper-rich sources, along with oats. If you have started serving your child soup in the winter season, you can use potato skin in the recipe or try the tempting strawberry and mushroom puree when starting solid foods.
4. Protein
If you have been researching nutrition for child growth for some time now, you definitely would have an idea about this nutrient.
We have often heard mommies discussing the importance of protein and finding new sources of nutrients to ensure your child gets a sufficient supply.
Protein is the building block for tissues, muscles, enzymes, and hormones.
It also helps maintain the body’s pH balance, which keeps your child active, stress-free, and healthy.
The Sources:
Eggs, chickpeas, lentils, peanuts and paneer are some very popular protein sources that almost every mommy is aware of.
If you wish to prepare a wholesome meal, try the tofu veggie curry with brown rice, as it is a power-packed source of nutrients your child needs for growth and development.
If you wish to try a quick yet nutritious food recipe, prepare egg and potato frittata.
5. Vitamin D
Whenever you discuss the importance of nutrition for a child with your kid’s pediatrician, he will mention the role of vitamin D and why you should include it in your child’s meal plan and routine.
This nutrient supports calcium absorption in the body, which helps strengthen your baby’s bones over time.
If your child has low immunity and suffers from infections frequently, you should consult your doctor and provide vitamin D to strengthen the immune system.
The Sources:
Vitamin D is not found naturally in any food item, so you depend on sunlight for it.
If you take your child in the sunlight for a limited time, his body will gradually absorb the nutrients from sun rays.
Some fortified foods and cereals have vitamin D; hence, you may include them in your child’s diet, but make sure you only use products from a trusted brand.
Best Set of Advice and Recommendations from R for Rabbit
At R for Rabbit, we would recommend you consult your child’s pediatrician whenever you start feeding solid foods, as he is the best person to guide you on adding power nutrients like zinc, copper, or iron.
If your child shows some allergic symptoms, please avoid feeding and try some other ingredient; you have loads of choices; the only need is to make an informed decision since you definitely would like to see your munchkin enjoy his food meals and get the best set of nutritions.
Read More: Nutrition In Monsoon: Healthy Eating Tips For Your Baby
Key Takeaways
Now that we have disclosed the top 5 power nutrients you should include to attain proper nutrition for child development, you should also be aware that your choices of foods should ultimately depend on your child’s body requirements and taste.
Please avoid forceful feeding to satisfy your ego that you have put all essential nutrients in the little one’s mouth. Your child should enjoy his food, so you must choose recipes and ingredients accordingly. It is completely fine to follow the traditional recipes if you know any, and you can also try the modern recipes with new ingredients.