Significant Benefits of Using Baby Scales for Monitoring Infant Growth

New parents are always stressed if they are taking good care of the tiny angel, and the anxiety levels grow further whenever they take their tot to the doctor.
During the initial few months, the paediatrician checks the baby’s weight, height and head circumference, and parents take a sigh of relief when he conveys that the baby’s growth and development are on the right track.
Well, we understand that confirming the child’s overall well-being is of prime importance. Hence, in this blog post, we will precisely discuss the importance of baby scales and how parents can practically use them in their routines.
Understanding the Usage of Baby Scales
Indeed, some parents may wonder if investing in a baby scale is worth it. In most households, digital scales are common, so why can’t we use them instead? A baby scale is a scientifically designed apparatus with a weighing tray where parents can lay their baby for a precise reading.
A few grams every month is a good sign, but progress cannot be monitored with a normal scale, and hence, considering a baby scale is the best approach. Also, some parents innovatively used it to measure breast milk before feeding the child. This sounds more practical when the mommy extracts breast milk and feeds it to the child using a bottle.
Babies born prematurely need frequent weight and growth monitoring to ensure that they are progressing well, and with a baby scale, it is easy with a touch of a button. The reading is so precise that mommies can even measure the difference between one teaspoon of milk.
5 Advantages of Baby Scales
New parents need to be aware of several benefits of baby scales. Let us review each of them so that every expecting mommy can make the right choice and bring home a baby scale with clarity in mind:

Accurate Monitoring
Every infant is expected to gain weight every month, and this becomes paramount in the case of preemies. Visiting the doctor just to check the weight gain is not feasible; hence, it is advisable to get a baby weighing scale for precise results periodically.
Early Detection of Health Issues
There can be instances where a newly born healthy baby may face some problems that may impact growth and development. This directly reflects in weight gain patterns; hence, with regular weight monitoring, prompt identification of health issues becomes possible, which means timely treatment.
Breastfeeding Assessment
When a mum wants to keep close track of breast milk quantity to ensure adequate nutrition, extracting milk and weighing it on the baby scale before feeding is a good idea. This way, it becomes easy to confirm that the baby’s little tummy is adequately filled after each feeding session.
Parental Assurance
One significant advantage of baby scales is peace of mind, as easy monitoring lets the parents take the required steps to achieve the baby’s growth progress. If the baby falls short of weight gain, mommies can take prompt action and confer with the health specialist for advice.
Specialists suggest that infants should be weighed weekly, as aspects like bowel movement, urination, and feeding may result in different readings. Thus, for accurate patterns, weekly assessments are required, which means frequent doctor visits. If one brings a baby scale home, it becomes convenient to weigh with correct readings.
How to Integrate Baby Scales into Routine Care?
Now that we have understood the advantages associated, let us explore how to integrate baby scales into routine care. As doting mommies, you must incorporate baby weighing regularly and keep a record to apprehend the growth trend.

Scale Base and Positioning
For an accurate reading, place the weighing scale on a stable surface. If you do not pay attention to the correct arrangement of the scale, you may get wrong readings. This can be a long-term concern.
Achieving Initial Calibration
Once you place the scale and switch it on, give it a few seconds to calibrate. Calibration is defined as bringing the scale to zero reading and checking it a few times with pre-defined weights to see the exact readings. Once you are sure the scale is giving a correct reading, it is all set for usage.
Preparing the Baby
Now that the machine is completely ready, the following step is preparing the baby for weighing. Make sure you dress the little angel in minimal clothing and, if possible, remove the diaper since both will add to the weight reading.
Remember, we need accurate baby weight; even the slightest difference can impact the final reading. If it is winter in your region and you don’t wish to risk the baby’s health, you may weigh the clothes and blanket separately for the exact reading.
Weighing the Baby
The next step is placing the infant correctly in the weighing tray. The munchkin should be calm and not move too much to avoid the possibility of reading fluctuation. Also, it is recommended to follow a routine, so try keeping it around the same time whenever the weight is measured.
Noting the Reading
Once the scale shows a stable reading, you can note it down. Maintain a record of the weight gain pattern for comparison. If your baby scale has a data-saving option, you may refer to past readings, but we still suggest keeping a note of the reading in a notebook.
Global Growth Charts and Percentiles
Once you have a few readings in your notebook, you will notice a pattern which should match the global growth charts and percentiles. You may search for growth charts online or request your child’s paediatrician to share them with you for future reference.
If the baby meets the growth milestones, you can be content that your child-nurturing approach is correct and fruitful.
Global organizations like the CDC and WHO offer growth charts in the form of a percentile chart with two axes, one catering to the baby’s age and the other for weight. These charts are easy to understand, and if your child falls above the 50th percentile, it is good to go.
One Pro Tip: If you use the baby scale to measure the milk quantity before each feed, keep the machine accessible and use the same bottle every time.
How to Choose the Right Baby Scale: 8 Tips
So, now that you are convinced to purchase a baby scale, it is critical to know how to choose the right baby scale. Being an aware parent would allow you to take the right step by reviewing the available alternatives. Here are some features to consider when selecting a baby scale:
- Pick a scale that renders accurate reading between 0.1 and 0.5 ounces.
- The convenience of using the scale with a back-lit LCD.
- Ergonomically designed baby tray for secured and comfortable placement.
- Additional features like durability, portability, and auto-off feature.
- Maximum weight capacity to ensure the best use of the machine for longer.
- Tare function that facilitates accurate reading.
- Easy maintenance and cleaning for durability.
- Product warranty and certification that ensures the best quality.
Several brands offer a range of baby weighing scales to match diversified needs, so there is definitely a perfect machine that parents need to shortlist by comparing similar models and picking one that offers an immaculate blend of design, durability, functionality, and convenience.
Key Takeaways
Baby scales are a great product to buy as they indirectly help parents understand their children’s growth and let them take the proper steps to render the best care and love.
Parents can maintain their records conveniently and discuss the outcomes during the appointment with the medical specialist.
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